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Age-Friendly Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Competition

A Competition to Expand the Collection of Age-Friendly ADU Plans

The growing population of older adults across the US is putting a squeeze on the supply of housing for older adults. Unfortunately, many of these older residents are aging in homes that were not designed for them to live in safely or independently. The homes may also be larger than they need and may require maintenance that older adults are no longer able to handle themselves. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are an affordable but underutilized housing option that might be the answer for many older adults. This alternative housing option is much less costly than a standard-sized home or a care setting. Ranging up to 1000 square feet, these small, complete dwellings offer affordability and ease of care. If designed appropriately, with universal and age-friendly features, accessory dwellings can also allow safe and independent living for many years.

AARP's Accessory Dwelling Unit Design Competitions aim to provide examples of age-friendly accessory dwellings to inspire and guide the creation of accessory dwellings for older adults. 2023 marked the inaugural year of the project and resulted in a number of viable designs. The winners of the Omaha, NE competition can be seen here. The winners of the Raleigh, NC competition can be seen here.

2023 An ADU for U Design Competition
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